Senator Chris Elliott: serving Baldwin County in the State House
Having served in the legislature the past three years, I have come to realize that state government is even more broken than I thought it was when I ran in 2018. I vowed then to fight for Baldwin County’s fair share, while serving on the Baldwin County Commission that what we send to Montgomery does not come back down to our communities. After fighting tooth and nail for our district the past few years in the Senate, it’s no secret that I’ve ruffled some feathers in Montgomery.
But I’m not here to apologize for it. I’m running for reelection to put Baldwin County first, fix our problems here at home and fight for what is right for our hardworking families. I ask you to stand strong with me as we push Montgomery to do what’s just. Baldwin County deserves the tools and resources we need to continue building safe, strong communities and growing jobs and opportunity for all. As your Senator, I pledge to continue fighting every day for just that.”